Connective Wellness
Stop letting pain slow you down
Myofascial release frees up the restrictions in your body,
allowing your muscles to return to normal, no longer bound by the fascial straightjacket restrictions.
When this happens we end up making compensatory movements and loose flow and ease.
Myofascial Release can help you stop these inefficient movement patterns.
Release for people pushing through pain
We’ve all tried pushing through pain, it’s not fun, but we love life too much to stop.
Connective Wellness release techniques are gentle yet powerful, leaving you pain free and ready to perform whatever you decide to do with ease.
Sheena is more than a massage therapist. To learn more about Sheena Taggart RMT story click here.
To book online click here.
To learn about the fascia system and how affecting it can change your life click here.
The Myofascial System, the conduit of consciousness. Without awareness there is no choice.